Friday 26 September 2014


Explorations for the sky and the ground

Saturday 20 September 2014

Friday 19 September 2014


Feedback from Sonali,

  • Categorised the content

  • Probably create personas for the target audience to understand:

  1.  If the same circular structure can be converted into different forms 
  2.  kind of information to offer for the different target audience

  • Continue prototyping 

Thursday 18 September 2014

Work in Progress

Need to have a more simplistic style with lesser strokes and may be a simple vector to show the symbols, signs.
I realised that some facts/stories need explanation and hence another small form is necessary.
Focusing on the idea that this is map which is also the index while designing it, adds other layers of maps such as landmarks, nodes,  edges, paths and districts subtly in it.

Also, I was trying to play around with grids and how can I use the grids

Sunday 14 September 2014

Friday feedback sessions

Points highlighted

In the previous as well as this feedback session, the history of grasslands was discussed and hence the need to represent it in some way in the form should be looked at.

Importance to humanity- bringing in some connection with the humans through this data
How is it impacting humans? "So What?"

Bringing in the Identity of Agumbe grasslands

Showing atleast one Complex food web
and not being bias to one season. Hence focusing on all the seasons.

Instead of how to unpack the grasslands,  the concept of revealing and discovering the grassland could be focused on.

Visual ideas:
Different sized of grids could be used
The visual style can also determine the audience

Exploring form

Possibilities of the form around the concept of unpacking the grasslands and to take the viewer deeper into the grassland through simple interaction is explored here.

The big circular map could act as an index and for further information, it could take multiple other forms. The other forms could be also be in circular shapes or a big book and all of this further unpacks to smaller details in flaps

Quick explorations,


  • Four seasons is a must
  • Size restriction due to folding and unfolding
  • Each circle unfolds into semicircle and then into another circle, hence each section needs to be filled
  • Not so much content

  • Size restriction
  • Each circle unfolds into semicircle and then into another circle, hence each section needs to be filled
  • Not so much content

  • Size restriction
  • Too much playfulness might be distractive
This form has multiple layers which takes the audience deeper through perspective and depth.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Quantifying content

Quantifying content into three stories per season and layering it with information such as

  • Journey- Start and end of the species journey in the grasslands
  • Activities- Breeding, Feeding, Resting
  • Sky-Ground connection- How do they use the grassland?
  • Sound- The different kind of sounds/silence experienced
  • Nature's Conditions- the required climate for the activities to take place
  • Personality/Metaphors
  • Growing stages
  • Existence of other species around them and Interaction
  • Unknown/Unexplained/Magical facts
  • Human intervention
  • Variation/size-scale
Mapping these layers into the structure:

Rough representation of one of the events into layers in the structure

Feedback: The style of this representation gives a playful(for kids) tone which may not work.

Rough mapping of Monsoon cycle

Saturday 6 September 2014

Friday Feedback sessions

Things to work on:

Quantify the content
Overall tone/feeling of the form

Prototypes of the structure based on the idea of unpacking the grasslands

Potential Points:
The circular map being the index( for further information)
Magical moments in stories which can lead to clues for interaction
Voices in each story
Start and end of stories/Journey
Transition between seasons

Visual Ideas:
Having species/activities coming in and going out of the circle.
Stages of the species could be visualised represented around the circle

Monday 1 September 2014

Initial skectches

Fishes in shallow water

Dark monsoon night