Sunday 14 September 2014

Exploring form

Possibilities of the form around the concept of unpacking the grasslands and to take the viewer deeper into the grassland through simple interaction is explored here.

The big circular map could act as an index and for further information, it could take multiple other forms. The other forms could be also be in circular shapes or a big book and all of this further unpacks to smaller details in flaps

Quick explorations,


  • Four seasons is a must
  • Size restriction due to folding and unfolding
  • Each circle unfolds into semicircle and then into another circle, hence each section needs to be filled
  • Not so much content

  • Size restriction
  • Each circle unfolds into semicircle and then into another circle, hence each section needs to be filled
  • Not so much content

  • Size restriction
  • Too much playfulness might be distractive
This form has multiple layers which takes the audience deeper through perspective and depth.

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