Sunday 31 August 2014


After analysing primary research from Agumbe, the information can be categorised into,

Mini stories
1.     One of the few stories is that of, flock of birds flying towards the grasslands for food. Some species eat the fruits and hence while eating from the fruiting tree, the bees from the trees fly in open spaces that give food to other species of birds
2.     Smaller ecosystem in the waterfall- Rock, Algae, water and fish
3.     The migratory dragon flies, bees pollinating and attracting other species
4.     Fishes migrating from perennial water bodies to the first order streams for breeding
5.     Water flows from higher ground to lower ground during the monsoon to form the 1st order stream, which forms a breeding ground of many amphibians.
6.     Hundreds of flowers growing post monsoon in the grasslands attracting several species of butterflies and hence other birds who eat butterflies

1.     Communal Breeding of common India toads which takes place during the first showers of monsoon
2.     Endemic species
3.     Best place and time to spot birds/species
4.     Dead tree which exits near a pond and a few species like eagles, snakes have been spotted
5.     Researcher’s track/path

Cycles- such as breeding, feeding and behaviour of certain species, changes in the grass throughout the year

(Monsoon Winter Winter-summer Summer)

Some of words that struck me while mapping my experience in the grasslands which I would like to take it forward in my form,

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