Sunday 31 August 2014

Feedback sessions

Session with Rustam

Rustam shared with us an interesting connection between humans being biped and grass. Humans when started hunting, which mostly happened in open areas like grasslands, needed better vision while they ran behind animals to hunt. Slowly their back posture began to change as they ran on the grass to hunt.
Grass is also one of the fastest oxygen producers and hence very significant.
(History of grasslands)

We discussed about the following possibilities in the forms,
1.     Digital form vs print media
2.     The use of simple sound and light technology can enhance the form
3.     Getting interaction to print media can also be looked at
4.     Medium, which can be modified for different platforms

Slowly unpacking the grasslands like a treasure hunt is a good start.
Also a mix of structure (looking at the circular map, cross section mapping and aerial view) could be looked at.

Meeting and Feedback at Crock Bank

Meeting with Rom, Gowri and Dhiraj helped to clear certain thoughts, which were floating around. A physical form will be more helpful than a digital form as it depends highly on technology. Also, a form that enables the viewers to get a glimpse of the message if in two minute and more depth information if further viewed.

This could be a good constraint and challenge to the form.

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